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  • Writer's pictureGavin MIlls


The president said one thing which I do not agree with this evening. He said poor economic performance over the past six months was primarily as a result of Eskom. Well okay, don't really disagree. But it was more than that, and it hit me while I was watching this great man's passion. We had basically lost hope, given up, started squabbling like stray dogs for the last pieces of flesh. And Mr. Ramaphosa this evening changed the dispair in me. From the elegance of the entrance parade to the Stately management of both TV production and protocol, everything for the first time in I don't know how long. was world class. Gone the Cirque Du Soleil grandstanding. Gone the mardi-gras grandeur. And as for the President's Guard! Back to the polish of the old State President's elite. But by far, the most exhilarating spectacle, the President himself, shifting the narrative from his predecessor's lame boasting of achievements that hadn't been achieved, to straight-talk acknowledgement of issues and challenges, stating the facts as they so truly are. 'For this to work depends on all of us.' Stop the tit for tat name blaming, cut to the chase and play your role - All of us ...which he emphasised more than once. He set out objectives, timelines and broad-stroke plans. Were they blueprints? Of course not. He is the president, not the workhorse. He set the vision, he explained how it can happen, and he clearly has both the passion and track record to back up his words. I believe at last we have a man up to the job. So what about his rotten apples then? We have all screwed up at some time. Some worse than others. Can any of us truly say we wouldn't have raided the cookie jar just a little, if it was not just left open, but spraying moola into the sky as it was? Could Cyril or his vision be so powerful that those being given a second chance might just rise to the occasion? I don't know. Only time will tell. But what I do know is we need a clever man and a strong man. We need a strategic man. We need someone who knows what he is doing - and is aware that history books are being written right this moment, and his success or failure will decide the way he is remembered. Cyril Ramaphosa helped write the constitution. He knows the implications and nuances. And he also probably remembers the South Africa he dreamed of when writing it. May God bless our President. As a South African once more feeling hope, I stand behind you and share your great dreams for our country...

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