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  • Writer's pictureGavin MIlls


On our journey through life, there are many forces which influence our successes, failures, moments of utter sadness, and our greatest moments of joy. What intrigues me however, is how much time we spend honing our skillsets to prepare us, and how little we dedicate to actually setting ourselves up for success.

Surely the same thing, you might believe. And a legitimate comment most of the time, but in some ways, not even close. By way of example, think of the soldier. His weapon is his tool of trade and his military training his education, but what separates cannon fodder from a true warrior has less to do with weapon or training, and more to do with the mind. As the old adage says, ‘It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.’

Modern military academies know this well, and special forces and elite fighting units focus on psychological training at least as intensely as combat craft. And similarly in life, mind-space will play at least as significant a role as vocational education on your life journey.

Although certainly not the first to talk about it, The Secret unleashed the theory of ‘the law of attraction’ on a success hungry world: What you visualize will materialize. What you think and focus on will manifest, since your thoughts create your reality.

But how, you may ask?

It’s easy to look at the stinking rich with their swanky cars and jet-setter lifestyles and utter knowingly, ‘Ah, the law of attraction - like attracts like.’

Same with poor people slumming it together.

The million-dollar question is, how does someone on a lower rung get the law of attraction to work for them and propel them further up the success ladder? You work your butt off but no matter what you do, things just keep going wrong; it’s the country, the work situation, the wife, the house... The list is endless - and just keeps getting longer, not shorter.

Correct! Your thoughts create your reality.

So the said million-dollar answer is to change your thoughts and way of thinking. And when you give it some serious consideration, it all makes perfect sense.

Think about those same swanky rich folk, and think about five key attributes; self-esteem, self talk, perspective and ‘talk’ about the world, their role in their world, and lastly, their ability to be happy.

Almost all stinking rich bar none think they’re pretty okay, and generally, the more wealthy, the more they think they are cool, some even to the point of irritation. Their self-talk is seldom self-critical or judgmental. They are open to new ideas, and nine times out of ten believe they can do just about anything. Their world is beautiful, exciting and entertaining and they are at the centre of both their world and their lives. And they have the ability to enjoy both, without guilt or recrimination.

Poorer people are generally exactly the opposite. They have low self-esteem to the point of sometimes even looking like uninvited guests at the table of life. They continuously see and ponder on the negative aspects of their lives and beat themselves up relentlessly without mercy, for missed chances and spoilt opportunities. The world is a dark ugly place and God is against them. ...Because what is there to smile and be happy about, anyway?

So how could anyone from such diametrically opposed outlooks ever resonate enough to spark the laws of attraction? Easy: dream - and universal consciousness does the rest. Although the more accepted term nowadays for this kind of dreaming is visualization and affirmation.

For centuries, prayer has made use of the exact same principle. We think of something in our lives where we need help. We pray for the situation to be resolved, generally perceiving in our mind’s eye the outcome we desire, and many will tell you, almost without fail their prayers are answered. The how is not really questioned much, and when it is, generally evoking a response around having faith. Surprise: for the law of attraction to work, the exact same faith is required.

So is it God that comes to our rescue? Most likely, but not even remotely similar to the way most of us envisage. ...Not the actions of some divine conjurer snapping his fingers, but the power of God consciousness triggered by prayer affirmations, and manifesting via the law of attraction to play out in a dynamic Universe.

But it can also be rationalized in a much simpler way, by understanding our own conscious actions and behaviour, inextricably linked to perceptions of current realities and comfort zones. It is well known that the average human being, when placed in a situation outside one’s comfort zone, will do whatever necessary and possible to get back into his or her comfort zone as soon as possible.

Think of going to a nightclub full of strange people in a strange town. How do we behave? We head self-consciously straight for dark or concealed corners, giving us the freedom to look but not be seen. We stay in town for a month or so, going back to the pub frequently, and next minute we love it. Because we have accepted the establishment into our comfort zone, and we are deliriously happy.

Think of another example. Your kid throws a stone and cracks a kitchen window. You are horrified and must fix as soon as possible. And you better! Because if you don’t, within a few days, it becomes part of your current reality, acceptable as the picture of your comfort zone, an after a week or so, you no longer even notice it.

So back to the law of attraction, what you think about will come about. You would like a better job or more respect or a better lifestyle. Generally, the way this information is processed is we dwell on the issues which bother us. These issues are already our current realities, and although it sounds bizarre, already part of the tapestry making up our comfort zones. So when we have things going wrong all the time in lives filled with nothing but grief, when the drama persists, the picture is correct. We are in that state, so in our comfort zone, and we are happy there, being unhappy.

So how do we change our thinking? Another example. You’re sitting outside watching your young kid playing on his bicycle. He starts heading down the garden path. You know further on, there is a big ditch on the side of the path. Immediately you’re concerned, so you holler after him, ‘Hey be careful! Watch out for the ditch!’

And then we cannot understand when he gets close, he becomes unsteady and topples into it. Well you told him to watch the ditch, didn’t you? Surely he should have been told to watch the path. We do this all the time, watching out for ditches. To change your thinking, just stay focused on the path.

So now we know how to change our thinking, how do we activate our thoughts and the incredible magic of the law of attraction?

Picture yourself first person, present tense in the scenario you desire. But really focus and see the pictures in detail, as though this is truly the life you are living. What happens then if you persist long, often and honest enough, is slowly your mind will establish this vision as your comfort zone, and your mind will do anything within its power to move its current reality to what it perceives as its comfort zone. And surprisingly quickly, you will begin your migration to your new life because yes, how your future unfolds really is all in the mind.

A little flipside interpretation of the law of attraction might be a little more sobering, however. The law is always working, throughout the universe, and acts as powerfully for the collective as it does for the individual.

Modern man is addicted to material wealth and instant gratification. We hear a lot nowadays about the Secret and its power, and we learn that highly successful individuals throughout history have made use of the law to accumulate fame, wealth and power. And we hear those proclaiming its power, informing all willing to listen that it can bring one anything your heart desires.

No surprises most peeps go for luxury nice-to-haves and those wonderful things money can buy. But by the law of attraction, what you think will be manifest. Have we all been thinking of this high-tech modern, luxury-lined, consumer-driven lifestyles? Of course we have, and true to form, our thoughts have become manifest.

I’m pretty sure the number of peeps visualising positively for an end to over-population, GMO threats, plastic pollution, global warming, eco calamities and all the other unwanted and unexpected spin-offs now threatening our future, would be frightfully small to the point of insignificance. And true to form, the law of attraction has delivered our thoughts and dreams to the T, with all the unwanted baggage included - sure evidence suggesting we should be more careful what we wish for.

Maybe it would be a good idea to continue using the law of attraction because of its power and what can be achieved (although to be honest, we really don’t have much say in the matter), but maybe just re-align our affirmations a little, to continue giving us our dreams, but to possibly extend to cover the bigger picture as well.

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